The usual technology developed by various parties as a solution toquickly build a house, usually made of simple construction with akind of lightweight construction materials and structural roof and wallcoverings are lightweight as well. Support structure quickly build a simple house can be made of iron frame, wood, or bamboo. In principle, the design can maintain structural rigidity as well as having the flexibility to move with the earthquake, as well asmaintaining the roof and wall coverings in place with little damage.Below are some practical guidelines leaflet earthquake-resistantconstruction of wooden houses made by the Department of Public Works.
Conventional building technologies brick building with reinforced concrete structures
The concept of earthquake-resistant housing is a building that can withstand the vibration caused by the collapse of the earthquake,and has the flexibility to dampen vibration. Principle, there are basically two: the rigidity of structure and flexibility of damping.
Rigidity principle structure makes the house more solid structure to shocks. Proved, that such a rigid structure made of reinforced concrete when properly can reduce fine tremor. This means takingseriously the structures made during the construction to be strongerand more rigid. Stiffness of the structure to avoid the possibility of building collapse during an earthquake occurs. The columns andbeams have to be strong binders and supported by a goodfoundation as well.
Flexibility Principle: The possibility of building structures to move on a small scale, for example by using a roll on the foundationprinciples of relationship-support burden. The definition ofrelationship is the kind of relationship pedestal roll load that can beengaged in small scale to dampen vibration. This is one example.
The principle of the use of lightweight materials and 'springy': theuse of lightweight construction materials that are not moredangerous when it collapsed, and the more light that is notexcessively burdensome to the existing structure. For examplewooden structure that can accept the transfer of timber in the relationship between scale earthquake.
The principle of the separate masses: that is split in several parts of building structures that are smaller, so the structure is not too big,too long because when hit by the earthquake have greater vibration damping.
The concept of earthquake-resistant housing is a building that can withstand the vibration caused by the collapse of the earthquake,and has the flexibility to dampen vibration. Principle, there are basically two: the rigidity of structure and flexibility of damping.
Rigidity principle structure makes the house more solid structure to shocks. Proved, that such a rigid structure made of reinforced concrete when properly can reduce fine tremor. This means takingseriously the structures made during the construction to be strongerand more rigid. Stiffness of the structure to avoid the possibility of building collapse during an earthquake occurs. The columns andbeams have to be strong binders and supported by a goodfoundation as well.
Flexibility Principle: The possibility of building structures to move on a small scale, for example by using a roll on the foundationprinciples of relationship-support burden. The definition ofrelationship is the kind of relationship pedestal roll load that can beengaged in small scale to dampen vibration. This is one example.
The principle of the use of lightweight materials and 'springy': theuse of lightweight construction materials that are not moredangerous when it collapsed, and the more light that is notexcessively burdensome to the existing structure. For examplewooden structure that can accept the transfer of timber in the relationship between scale earthquake.
The principle of the separate masses: that is split in several parts of building structures that are smaller, so the structure is not too big,too long because when hit by the earthquake have greater vibration damping.
Foundation system that is currently available with a traditionalfoundation stone material is good to watch, among others sought to have the ability to reduce vibration by providing a gap to move on the relationship between the foundation by Sloof, the foundation ofthe column. This method can also be supported by providingmaterials such as glass shards between the foundation and Sloof.
To the wall, the wall is actually a lot of the traditional rumah2 was appropriate to deal with earthquakes, such as a wall of bamboo andother plant material. Such walls can receive earthquake vibrationsvery well. Even ancient houses joglo be holding up well during the earthquake.
For today's conditions, such as sheets of composite material (for example, Hebel wall), gypsum and other lightweight materials cansurvive well during the earthquake because it is lightweight andstrong. Besides the condition of solid sheet material can be combined with the flexibility of connecting with the columns to dampen vibration.
If using brick, try to have more reinforcement in the columns ofpractical use as a stiffener. Do not ever put a roof load directly onthe brick wall. The brick wall also needs to be anchor at a distance of the order of 8 columns each brick. Brick walls are given a betteranchor can withstand an earthquake because they were held by the column and not collapse.
To the wall, the wall is actually a lot of the traditional rumah2 was appropriate to deal with earthquakes, such as a wall of bamboo andother plant material. Such walls can receive earthquake vibrationsvery well. Even ancient houses joglo be holding up well during the earthquake.
For today's conditions, such as sheets of composite material (for example, Hebel wall), gypsum and other lightweight materials cansurvive well during the earthquake because it is lightweight andstrong. Besides the condition of solid sheet material can be combined with the flexibility of connecting with the columns to dampen vibration.
If using brick, try to have more reinforcement in the columns ofpractical use as a stiffener. Do not ever put a roof load directly onthe brick wall. The brick wall also needs to be anchor at a distance of the order of 8 columns each brick. Brick walls are given a betteranchor can withstand an earthquake because they were held by the column and not collapse.
Basically the building materials available today can be increased quality in the face of earthquakes, as well as the necessary innovations in the procurement of new materials that can support the security of an earthquake, such as the construction of a lightweight, flexible and strong. The most important note to see the trend now is: to make a building by building a better, such as strengthening the wall with the anchor, practical columns, and so forth.
The cost of building earthquake resistant houses are relatively not much different from the existing house, only the quality of the connection, the joint between the loading, the type of supporting material (lightweight, strong and flexible) can be copied and applied in the building. In fact, there are currently fabricating new materials that are structurally tested by a laboratory and have better quality than conventional materials.
The cost of building earthquake resistant houses are relatively not much different from the existing house, only the quality of the connection, the joint between the loading, the type of supporting material (lightweight, strong and flexible) can be copied and applied in the building. In fact, there are currently fabricating new materials that are structurally tested by a laboratory and have better quality than conventional materials.
This type of light using a wood roof can be maximized when facing the earthquake by making the anchor on the ring beam, where the anchor is given a slot to move the roll relations system. Type of roof is pretty good is a roof light, using light as a sheet of roofing composite, but these materials are less desirable because it is not a good look of a roof cover.
Concrete should be strengthened so as not easily collapse, overall, concrete columns and beams supporting the entire building, so if the structure is not able to resist an earthquake, then the whole building is also not strong. Try to divide the building in a group structure, for example, using the principle of dilatation (structural separation) between the masses with a mass of other buildings. For example: separate living area with area chambers are structurally (although the organization still living together).
Buildings with plywood less recommended, as easy to burn. Other lightweight materials that can be recommended as a substitute for gypsum or wall is a composite. For the capital region, these materials are better aesthetically acceptable. Building a roof of straw alang2 or acceptable if indeed the concept of a traditional building, or indeed from the traditional beginning, and lifestyles of its inhabitants according to the traditional residential (eg due to more maintenance than modern roofing materials). Buildings such as this, combined with traditional building methods such as using bamboo columns, even very well survive the earthquake.
Interior design should be adjusted if we are concerned about the problems of this earthquake. Choose the type of furniture that is lightweight and does not prevent an earthquake evacuation when needed.
Concrete should be strengthened so as not easily collapse, overall, concrete columns and beams supporting the entire building, so if the structure is not able to resist an earthquake, then the whole building is also not strong. Try to divide the building in a group structure, for example, using the principle of dilatation (structural separation) between the masses with a mass of other buildings. For example: separate living area with area chambers are structurally (although the organization still living together).
Buildings with plywood less recommended, as easy to burn. Other lightweight materials that can be recommended as a substitute for gypsum or wall is a composite. For the capital region, these materials are better aesthetically acceptable. Building a roof of straw alang2 or acceptable if indeed the concept of a traditional building, or indeed from the traditional beginning, and lifestyles of its inhabitants according to the traditional residential (eg due to more maintenance than modern roofing materials). Buildings such as this, combined with traditional building methods such as using bamboo columns, even very well survive the earthquake.
Interior design should be adjusted if we are concerned about the problems of this earthquake. Choose the type of furniture that is lightweight and does not prevent an earthquake evacuation when needed.
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