Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Golden Section, Architecture

In this film we are told that the forms of nature have a geometry that 'magic'. Stars are one of the form (shape), which is commonly found in nature, such as the flowers, and several types of aquatic organisms. Stars are geometric shapes that 'magic' because the lines making up the shape of stars can produce the golden proportion.

From the golden proportion, golden rectangles can be formed, which, when arranged continuously as the following illustration will produce a pattern of spirals, such as
the spiral patterns in snails.
Golden Section, Architecture, cartoon house, Evolutionary Architecture
Then, golden rectangles is widely applied as a design principle in classical architecture. For example, the following Parthenon building, which uses golden rules rectangles (or golden proportions) from the scope of the building as a whole to the smallest detail. Not only used in architecture, these rules also applied to many classical works of art, such as sculpture or painting. Men are inspired by nature.
Golden Section, Architecture, cartoon house, Evolutionary Architecture
Humans tend to live by learning from the natural surroundings, extracting what he learned, and then apply the result of his study of what he created.
.. For Aristotle, imitation (mimesis in Greek) is the natural human ability to envision Things as they ought to be, as a modified version of the way they are .. (Crowe: 1999)

.. Vitruvius is saying therefore that mimesis is natural to man, that it involves learning from Things as they are found to be and then building upon that knowledge to make-things "as they ought to be" .. (Crowe: 1999)

I see there is a continuity between the natural forms, proportions, and architecture. In my opinion, the days of classical architecture, people studying the geometry of natural forms and extracting patterns successfully revealed. Such was the form of stars, which are found in nature, it produces golden proportion. Or our own bodies which also contains the golden rules of proportion. And the rules are applied to the works of man, including architecture.

But the question is, if when men were indeed studying natural forms, why "formula" that produced a proportion rule tends fragmented (air-grid-grid), and full of mathematical calculations (such as the golden proportion or Fibonacci theory)?

Eugene Tsui, the author of the book Evolutionary Architecture (Nature as a Basis for Design) said ... the designation of space is determined by purely responsive and compositional elements, not as a grid-plane layout ... (Tsui: 1999)

Space is something that has a variety of shapes and patterns, dynamic, can be bent, curved and sinuous. There is no order. If nature is the basis for the design, why should make it segmented?

Nature does not come forth with a predetermined shape (like the box) and then try to negotiate forces acting on that shape. In nature, the shape is determined by the forces act on it. (Tsui: 1999)
Golden Section, Architecture, cartoon house, Evolutionary Architecture
Back again to the cartoon "Donald in Mathmagic Land" and note the following illustration. Silhouette of a girl describes the proportion of the "ideal", and Donald described does not have a proportional posture. If my girl silhouette analogy as classical architecture that applies the principles proportion of golden rectangles, and Donald Duck is an architecture that does not satisfy the principle of golden rectangles. Donald Duck would not be there if he did not deviate from the proportion of golden rectangles. Neither the contemporary architecture, contemporary architecture does not exist when it does not deviate from the proportion of classical architecture. Architecture does not have to meet the rules of proportion golden rectangles, is not it?

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