Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Masjid Al Irshad, Bandung, Indonesia

Masjid Al Irshad with a unique shape in Bandung, West Java, with a magnificent stand. Inspired by the Kaaba cube-shaped building of the Grand Mosque. This is one of masterpiece Flower City architect Ridwan Kamil.
Masjid Al Irshad, indonesia, building in Indonesia, bandung, Great Mosque, mosque, mosque architecture,
Seen from the outside, revealing vents writing two sentences creed.
While seen on the inside, there are 99 lights decorated Asmaul Husna calligraphy. Mihrab mosque was unique because it was left open. "With the direction to the west, it would be lost in the hills of the sky color fulvous, unbelievable right. Thought while praying while looking at it we will feel and admire God," said architect graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology, recently.

The house works of the man who also graduated from the University of California is also not less interesting. A total of 30 thousand bottles transformed into a wall. The idea came because of his love of the environment. "I put the water to be too cool reflection. As if from a distance the priest prayed over the water," said Ridwan.

Already dozens of building design created Ridwan. Either inside or outside the country. Includes building Tarumanagara University Jakarta. Good air circulation and natural lighting into one characteristic design.

Ridwan also known as someone who is sensitive to urban problems. That prompted him to form Indonesian Community Gardening utilizing unused land into vegetable gardens in urban areas.

Creativity is the source of energy that seemed limitless Ridwan. Bandung Creative City Forum is an organization that dimotorinya creative economy. Its members are creative communities who are ready to work together to solve the problem of the urban in the city of Bandung.

Idea also encourage Ridwan create enerbike, bike that can store electrical energy. The bike is expected to overcome the energy crisis is in sight. In April, bike sharing program will also be launched to reduce congestion in the Flower City.

While in recent times of leisure, Ridwan two times a week to share their knowledge at his alma mater in the ITB. While on holiday, he still had time to do something for the community. Together with his wife he participated in a festival keuken invites people active in the open, not in a mall or shopping center.

Going forward, creative ideas 40-year-old man is expected to be realized would be the solution of environmental problems and urban areas in the country.

source: Liputan6

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