Vertical City "Bionic Tower" is an ambitious project by the architects Eloy Celaya, Javier Gomez and Maria Rosa Cervera Pioz. which is one of the building's design to reduce the movement of the structure due to the earth
When the Bionic Tower project is known in many countries and are trying to establish the final location and the infrastructure needed to be able to perform, but that seems more interested in is China, where the government is studying the possibility of realizing the project in the city of Shanghai. Carry out will be the tallest building in the world, rising 1228 meters and equal to 300 plants employing only area of 1 km. diameter, allowing the back to nature uninhabited territory.
368 elevators will have vertical and horizontal scrolling. It will have the capacity to house 100,000 people and cost would be about 15,000 million dollars. The building will include a hotel, parks, homes, offices and shops. will be divided into 12 different districts, 80 m. and each is separated by a factory-tight security. It will be built on an artificial island, has the advantage of reducing the movement of the structure in case of earthquake or high winds
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