Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tips For Attracting Nature

English garden landscape design

Traditional English gardens invite an array of insects andanimals that add to the quaintness.Knowing that your garden is providing a haven for wildlifewill give you a closer connection with the nature.
Activities such as watch birds feeding or playing in a bird bath can lift the spirits and improve your sense of wellbeing.

Here are some tips for attracting nature to your garden:
• Create natural animal habitats with decorative arrangements of rocks, branches, or other natural elements.
• Select plants that attract butterflies, insects, and hummingbirds, like lavender, clover, and asters.
• Ponds and natural waterfalls are scenic additions to your garden and are inviting to birds, frogs, and other wildlife.
• Make your garden alluring to birds with colorful berry bearing shrubs, decorative bird feeders, and rustic bird baths.
• A natural, meadow style yard design will be the most appealing to native wildlife.
• Rustic wooden fences or decorative stone or brick walls make wonderful barriers and can add to the English garden style with climbing plants like wisteria and fragrant jasmine.
• Tranquil gazebos and scenic bridges make charming additions to your English garden landscape design.

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