Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Biography Architect: Henri Maclaine Pont

henri maclaine Pont, architect, architecture, biography,building

"Architecture .... is part of the human activities in creating something for him to go out and conquer nature"
Architectural philosophy has always held from the beginning to the end of life of a Pont who was born in June 1885 in the area now known Meester Cornelis or Jatinegara part of Jakarta. As in many Dutch families at that time, Henry Maclaine Pont inherited the cultural mix.
Several members of his family live in the "Indie Neederlandsch" until the end of the colonial Dutch in Indonesia (1942). Four generations of the grandmother's mother was bloody Bugis are the natives and their ancestors first came to Indonesia, in the VOC. On the advice of his father, in 1902 he entered the Technische Hoogeschool de Delft, the most prominent technical high school in the Netherlands. At first he majored pertambangantapi then he decided to move to the architecture. Of these majors, Maclaine Pont later became one of the leading architects in the development of Dutch architecture.
Judging from the results of his work, Maclaine Pont was unaffected in cabbage forms, lines and areas other than vertical or purism flow that swept the world of art including architecture at that time. Maclaine Pont has consistently emphasized the approach to culture and nature in which it builds. The emphasis in addition to the unity between form and function, as well as the unity of the construction, as the embodiment of tradition in relation to architecture.
After completing the study of architecture, before returning to Indonesia, between the years 1909 to 1911 worked at the Office of Maclaine Pont Postmus Meyes in Amsterdam. His first project where he was intensively involved, is a hospital for the deacon (servant of the Church) in Amsterdam Overtoom. The second project is a Prins Alexander stiching, an institution for the blind at Huis ter Heide.
Encouraged by his mother, he returned to Indonesia. He arrived at Tegal, a city in Central Java's north coast, between Cirebon and Semarang, in early 1911. Climate, sunshine and local lifestyle has always been a major concern throughout his life. It is the application in his NIS (Nederlandsche-Indische Maatschappij Spoorweg), Dutch Railway Company in Tegal.
In mid-1913, Maclaine Pont moved to Semarang. He established his office and busy with projects such as buildings, railways in Navan, warehouses for sugar in Cirebon, Cilacap offices in Tegal. In addition to designing buildings, Maclaine Pont also made plans of urban development in South Semarang and Surabaya.
In mid-year 1915, Maclaine Pont ill, and his wife returned to Holland. After recovering he worked on the railroad office in Utrecht. Because not think again to return to Indonesia, in 1918 in Semarang bureau sold to his friends. But beyond the plan that year he was invited to design the College of Engineering at Bandung.
In 1924, he was asked to be an advisor railway company in East Java in building employee housing. The three-month stay in Surabaya in connection with the project, provide an opportunity to examine the ruins of the kingdom of Majapahit in the near Trowulan. He was more interested in the study of archeology, and look at the problem to be researched more deeply and sincerely. For that in September 1924, he moved to Trowulan and until 1943 with only minor interruptions he conducted archaeological research. In this period Maclaine Pont has written a variety of issues concerning tropical architecture. He also noted the importance of preserving local buildings, urban planning, even about the public health pest control. In those years, many architectural work related to the research, among others, to build a museum to house relics of history.
In 1936, Maclaine Pont was asked by Pastor GH Wolters to build a church in Pohsarang, a village a few kilometers to the east of Kediri, East Java, in which the Catholic religion growing rapidly there.
In his museum and the church Trowulan Pohsarang always use local ingredients. Maclaine Pont also use local workers than some builders who had experienced at the time of building the museum.

Thoughts and Concepts Maclaine Pont
Henri Maclaine Pont was one of the architects of the "Independent in determining the principles on designing a building. Unlike architects of his day were almost always go with the flow 'flow' in the field of architecture that are 'in' at that time. Henri Maclaine Pont attempted to open new gaps in the field of architecture to try to reflect the attitude of "kebersahajaan" and apparently never weathered with age.
In its design principles he tried to integrate local forces in the form of architecture, culture, society and nature, wherein no fewer architects are often left point at the building he designed. Rarely do we see a work of architecture that can represent the social and cultural characteristics of each region, and to know the problems faced by the surrounding environment. With his theories, Henri Maclaine Pont attempted to address the problems that exist.
In building a building, Henri MP, holding fast to some architectural philosophy. He wanted to be where the building can be part of the environment around the building. He was very concerned about the climate and the people around the building. He is also concerned customs and beliefs of local communities. Maclaine Pont prefer to use local materials in the construction work and the use of local labor. In addition to local ingredients is cheaper than imported materials, local materials are also widely available so it may be lacking. He also always use local labor in the construction of his work so that it can be an exercise for the surrounding community skills.
Overall, the theories put forward by Henri Maclaine Pont tried to remain "communicative" with the surrounding environment without leaving aspects of the function of the building. This is reflected in his works that until now we can still nimati existence.
Henri Maclaine Pont has consistently emphasized the approach to culture and nature which he built. Architectural philosophy has always adhered to from the beginning to the end of his life:
"Architecture ..... It is part of human activities in creating something for him to go out and conquer nature. "

 Theory Henri M.P.
Rules of architecture (theory) that had triggered / appear in his works is as follows:
1. Approach to cultural factors and the nature in which he built architectural masterpiece that is the answer to social needs.
2. At any architectural work must be reflected the logical relationship between the building with its surroundings.
3. Digging classical architecture cultural roots, assessed and then combined with modern architecture.
 Philosophy
Adaptation Regionalism
That is the dialogue between the traditional and the modern. The structure of the building can be developed following the new techniques and methods, but the expression of architectural remains in the spirit of place and local culture.
 The principles espoused
 In terms of shape, Henri M.P. not affected the forms of cabbage, the lines and the vertical plane or the other of the school of "purism" that swept the world of art and architecture at the time.
 Henri M.P. obtaining emphasis on unity between form, function and construction. As a spiritual expression of a community, the architectural style should have the answer to the social needs of the community.
 his opinion is essential in the logical architecture of the relationship between the building with its surroundings. He realized that the overall environment becomes an integral part of the building so that in designing, Henri MP always pay attention to local customs and culture.
 In the construction field, Henri M.P. unlike the architects of Europe in general, who are constantly using imported materials. He always tried to use local materials in building construction are designed.
henri maclaine Pont, architect, architecture, biography,building

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