Monday, November 14, 2011

10 Highest Building of New York

There are more than 975,000 buildings in New York City. This list contains a tall skyscraper at least 600 feet (183 m). The high including the spire, but not including antennae. Equal sign (=) indicates that there are two or more buildings whose height is the same. The column "Year" indicate when the building was completed.
1. Bank of America Tower
OBP - Ext - 42nd East.jpg
2. Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building by David Shankbone.jpg

3. New York Times Building
4.American International Building
5. 40 Wall Street
40 Wall Street.jpg
6. Citigroup Center
Citigroup center.jpg
7. GE Building
GE Building.jpg
8. CitySpire Center
9. One Chase Manhattan Plaza
One Chase Manhattan Plaza 1.jpg
10. Condé Nast Building
4timessquare 23may2005.JPG

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