Monday, December 17, 2012

Mosque of Rome

Roman Catholic identical. But who would have thought if the capital of the Republic of Italy also stands a magnificent mosque which can accommodate a congregation of about 40 thousand people, the Great Mosque of Rome or the so-called Grande Moschea. The mosque is a symbol of religious tolerance in Italy, because of its location close to the Vatican City and the Jewish Synagogue.
mosque, mosque architecture, unique mosque, unique, unique building, architecture,

The mosque is built on an area of ​​30 thou
sand square meters was the pride of Muslims in Italy. There are currently Muslims become the second largest religion in Italy. Last Italian official statistics, namely in 2005, put the number of Muslims living in Italy is estimated at between 960 thousand to 1.030 million people. Around 40 thousand to 60 thousand of whom are Italian citizens.

The existence of a mosque in the city of Rome, it is not separated from service late King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, the leader of Saudi Arabia, who died in 1975. According to King Faisal, the city of Rome, where about 40 thousand Muslims settled in the 1970s, it should be if it has a mosque. The plan was only teralisasi King Faisal in 1974, when President Giovanni Leone visit to Saudi Arabia. At the meeting the two leaders, King Faisal argues, the plan of the mosque as a place of worship it apart and activities of Muslims in Italy, can also be used to establish a close relationship and dialogue between Muslims and Christians.

President Giovanni welcomed the proposal of King Faisal. In fact, he promised to provide land for the construction of the mosque in Rome. In 1975, Leone president and mayor of Rome, Giulio Carlo Argan, donated land area of ​​30 thousand square meters in Rome to the Islamic Cultural Center in Italy. At December 11, 1984, performed the groundbreaking of the construction of the Grand Mosque of Rome by the President of Italy at that time, Alessandro Pertini. While the opening is carried out at 23 Muhharam 1416 H or coincide with the date of June 21, 1995.

The meeting of two cultures

Building the Great Mosque of Rome to this day one of the most beautiful mosques in the plains of Europe. From the valley of the Tiber, the mosque looks towering rival Montenne, a very fertile hill in the north of the city of Rome. This mosque has a dome sixteen plus a large central dome topped with a crescent moon and a palm tree-shaped tower 40 meters high.

The interior design and the dome crisscrossed characterizes the mosque by architect Paolo Portoghesi it. Portoghesi an international contest winner when Mayor City of Rome, Giulio Carlo Argan, announced the construction of this mosque in 1975. Portoghesi also an adjunct professor of history at the University of Rome architects. He began to recognize and appreciate the Islamic architecture since the early 1970's, during his visit to Jordan, Sudan, Tukia, Egypt, and Tunisia. He also made the Great Mosque of Strasbourg in France.

The design Portoghesi to the main room, for example, is taken from the shape and model of classical phase Mosque of Islamic architecture. Prayer rooms are spacious and rectangular, the door was preceded by a walled courtyard and fountain in the middle. The yard was bounded by a park in the form of thin strips. As for women's prayer room, two balconies built on two sides of the main room.
mosque, mosque architecture, unique mosque, unique, unique building, architecture
To decorate the interior of the main room of the mosque, Portoghesi bring a number of Moroccan artisan. Their task is to draw a variety of mosaic that limit balconies, niches, columns and bases. Rows of Portoghesi designed to follow the classical motif of the type of arch as it exists in most ancient mosques.

By using the technique of reinforced cement, Portoghesi making parts are mutually intersecting arches which likens meeting between the two cultures, namely Islam and Italy (West). '' Building a large mosque in the city of Rome, the capital of Christianity, with great support from the mayor of Rome has given its own happiness for me, because I have dedicated 20 years of my life to realize an architectural buildings of the last century, which describes the desire of peace and mutual understanding, '' said Portoghesi.

Mosque Portoghesi work also looks magnificent with the pillars on the inside and outside of the main building. There are about 186 pillars on the outside and 32 pillars on the inside. The grandeur of the mosque can also be seen on the floor of the mosque decoration, which consists of colorful and has a star-shaped geometric patterns. The material is made of marble, natural stone and brick typical of Rome.

What distinguishes the Grand Mosque of Rome with the existing mosques in Islamic countries are part of minarets which have similar forms as rows of palm mosque. Erect tower separate from the mosque can also be seen as a monument, which is usually placed at the end of the streets of Rome. Portoghesi see Islam as brothers architecture with Gothic and Baroque elements in terms of the emphasis on virtue and non-rational.
mosque, mosque architecture, unique mosque, unique, unique building, architecture
While the land around the mosque building was developed into a park equipped with fountains. Palm trees, pine and other tree species covering some area around the mosque and create an atmosphere of calm. The small streets around the walkways are made to facilitate the location of park visitors who want to enjoy the beauty of the park mosque.

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